Yucca whipplei Torrey ssp.whipplei
In Emory: U.S. and Mex. Bound. Bot. 222.1859.
Our-Lord's-Candle, chaparral yucca, quixote yucca
Yucca californica Groenland nom. inval. - Rev. Hort. (Paris): 434 (Aug. 16) 1858.
Yucca graminifolia Wood. - Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc. 1868:167.1868.
Yucca ortgesiana Roezl ex Ortgies. - Gartenflora. 20:1 10.1871.
Hesperoyucca whipplei Baker. - Kew Royal Bot. Gard. Bul. Misc. Inform. 5: 8.1892.
Yucca whipplei var. parishii Jones. - West. Bot. Contrib. 15: 59.1929.
Yucca whipplei ssp. typica Haines. - Madroño 41(6): 43.1941.
Yucca whipplei ssp. parishii (Jones) Haines. - Madroño 41(6): 44.1941.
Type: Type: San Pasqual, San Diego Co., Calif., SCHOTT, Torrey Herbarium, N.Y. Bot. Gard.
Other representative material studied.
California: | fh 1177, San Bernardino Co., 1,200 m;
fh 1178.18, Alpine, 600 m;
fh 1178.19, San Diego River, 450 m;
fh 1178.20, Cuyamaca Lake, 500 m;
fh 1178.21, San Diego, 400 m;
fh 1180.20, Pinon,
fh 1180.82, Oak Hill Road, 1,250 m;
fh 1180.89, 1,520 m; Phelan,
fh 1180.90, Angeles National Forest, 1,900 m;
fh 1180.91, Angeles National Forest, 2,300 m;
AM 99/2203, Crestline Region,
AM 99/3901, Pacillo Mts., 2,000 m. |
Key to the Subspecies of Yucca whipplei
1. | Plants solitary, monocarpic. dying after fruiting | 2 |
| Plants forming groups, not monocarpic | 3 |
| 2. | Spreading rosettes, in the juvenile stage the old, dry leaves are very persistent | ssp.whipplei |
| Compact rosettes, in the juvenile stage the old, dry leaves persist for a short time, endemic | ssp.newberryi |
| 3. | New secondary rosettes formed from the hase of the moribund rosettes post flowering | 4 |
| New rosettes not arising from dying rosettes | 5 |
| 4. | Leaves narrow and flexible | ssp.intermedia |
| Broad, stiff sword-like leaves, endemic | ssp.eremica |
| 5. | Secondary rosettes from the leaf axils, several inflorescences produced during Spring, forming dense cushions of over 100 rosettes | ssp.caespitosa |
| Secondary rosettes from rhizomes, one inflorescence produced during Spring, forming large, open scattered mats | ssp.percursa |
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Yucca whipplei, fh 1178.20, Cuyamaka Lake, CAL., 500m in bloom.

Yucca whipplei, with inflorescence just forming between the leaves. |