Yucca baccata ssp.vespertina (McKelvey) Hochstätter
Mohave Datil Yucca
Succulenta. 80 (4): 1 66-1 73. 2001.
Basionym: Yucca baccata var. vespertina McKelvey. Yuccas of the Southwest. U. S.1: 45.1938
Type: McKelvey 2167 just east of Peach Springs, Arizona, 1931. (A).
Yucca vespertina (McKelvey) Welsh. Rhodora 95: 883, 884, 41 7 1993.
Other representative material studied.
Arizona: | fh 1179.57, Peach Springs, 1,560m,
fh 1182.53, New Water Point, Hualapai Reservation, Colorado River, 600m,
fh 1182.54, Hackberry, 1,500m,
fh 1182.55 Kingman, 1,000 m. |
Utah: | fh 1182.56, Beaverdam Mts., 1,500m,
fh 1182.57, Santa Clara Valley, 1,200m,
fh 1182.58, Gunlock Reservoir, 1,000 m. |
Nevada: | fh 1182.59, Rechel, 2,000m,
fh 1182.60, Las Vegas area, 800m,
fh 1183.65, Panaca, 1,700m,
fh 1183.66, Cottonwood Valley, 1,600m. |
California: | fh 1182.61, Ivanpah, 1,300m,
fh 1183.67, Silver Lake area. |
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Yucca baccata ssp.vespertina, fh 1183.67, Silver Lake Area, CA |