Yucca brevifolia Engelmann ssp.herbertii (Webber) Hochstätter

Webber's Yucca

Succulenta. 80 (6): 262-268. 2001.

Basionym: Yucca brevifolia Engelmann forma herbertii Webber. Yuccas of the Southwest. U. S. D. A. Agric. Mon. 17: 32.1953.


Yucca brevifolia Enqelmann var. herbertii (Webber) Munz. Aliso 4(1): 88.1958.

Type: J. M. Webber, No.424, Univ. Calif. Herbarium; cotype No.423, U. S. Dept. Agr., Plant Indus. Herbarium. West end of Antelope Valley, Los Angeles Co., 21 miles west of Lancaster; California, elevation 2,940 feet, April 11, 1946.

Other representative material studied.

California: fh 1179.76, Cajon Pass, 1,200m,
fh 1182.74, Scodies Mts., 1,550m,
fh 1182.75, Tehachapi Mts., 1,200m,
fh 1182.97, Mojave area, 1,200m.


Yucca brevifolia ssp.herbertii, CAL. Close -up of the terminal inflorescence, showing the dense
arrangement of flowers, which scarcely open, and the unique leaf form of the Joshua tree.